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The Construction Accord

A commitment between industry and the public sector to create a thriving and high-performing construction sector in Scotland

The Construction Accord

The CLF has overseen the development of the Construction Accord between the public sector and the industry.

The Accord establishes a dynamic collaboration for all the Scottish public sector and the whole of the construction industry to improve outcomes for the businesses and workforce which make up the construction and associated industries and from the industry for its clients, the economy, wider society and the environment.

Following a series of stakeholder consultations, in October2022, we published the Scottish Construction Accord. It includes:

  • A shared vision for the construction and related industries in Scotland
  • A series of agreed outcomes which support the shared vision
  • Collaborative working arrangements based on our work which is chaired by the Minister for Small Business
  • An approach to developing a Transformation Action Plan for the industry along with commitments to principles and behaviours of participation

To deliver on those outcomes, the Construction Accord has set out a series of collaborative working groups to develop an industry Transformation Plan covering areas as diverse as procurement practices, fair work and skills for the sector, net zero, digital transformation and reinforcing a quality culture.

We believe that transformation must impact everyone in the industry and help attract new people.

Become a participant

The Construction Accord sets out a framework for transformation of construction in Scotland. We are delighted you are interested in taking part and welcome organisations and businesses who want to become participants in the Construction Accord.

The following provides information on the process.

First and foremost if you want to become a Participant you need to agree with the outcomes set out in the Construction Accord. As a Participant you may be called upon to make resources available to develop and implement the Transformation Action Plan which will deliver on the commitments in the Accord.

Participants can come from the construction industry or the public sector for example: small and medium size businesses, public sector clients, industry representative groups and larger companies, local authorities, innovation organisations, research and academic organisations.

Delivery of the vision and outcomes of the Construction Accord will require a high degree of support and by becoming a participant your organisation commits to:

  • Supporting the shared vision set out in the Accord
  • Contributing expertise and resources when required to drive forward the outcomes set out in the Accord
  • Acting as an ambassador to raise the profile of construction Accord objectives and its achievements

The Principles of the agreement to participate within the Construction Accord are outlines on pages 11 & 12

In addition to the commitments above, participation roles may extend to:

  • Membership of Working Groups - An individual from an organisation can request to become actively involved in a Transformation Plan Working Group of their chosen interest, or
  • Membership of the Short-Life Working Groups - A nominated individual from a organisation can request to become actively involved in dealing with specific topics/consultations/solutions arising from Working Groups

Participatory organisations are encouraged to support and endorse the Accord and the Transformation Plan through a range of activities including press events and social media.

To confirm your organisation's request to participate, please complete and submit the form and the Accord team will be in touch.

Participation is voluntary. Individuals from participating organisations are expected to inform to the Chair of the Transformation Board about any conflict of interests arising at any point during their participation in the Accord implementation.

Please complete the form below making sure to fill all fields.


We confirm our organisation’s commitment to deliver the outcomes within the Construction Accord and commit to participate in the Transformation Action Plan and to make resources available as is reasonably required.

We acknowledge the Accord agreement and we confirm that our organisation can be referenced as a Participant of the Accord and our organisation's logo placed on communications and on the website.  

We also confirm our acceptance to be added to the network to receive updates on the progress.

We consent that the information submitted can be shared with members of the Transformation Board/Programme Management Office to facilitate further engagement and participation in the Construction Accord.

By submitting this form you agree to the declaration and to the terms and conditions.
Thank you for your submission to become a Participant of the Scottish Construction Accord and its Transformation Plan activities.

Your submission has been passed to the working group chairs which you have noted an interest.

The relevant chairs will get back to you if and when there is a need / space for your input on those groups.

If you have expressed an interest in short-life working groups or support activities, your details have been recorded and the Accord programme office will be in contact to request your input as required.

We have also added you to the network to keep you updated on progress.

Thank you again for your support.
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